Feb 19, 2021

Talk: Sports Photography by Bob Given MPAGB EFIAP EPSA FBPE

What a night! Bob Given truly entertained club members last night as he

presented his talk on Sports Photography. He showed us some dramatic

images from a wide variety of sports from rugby to table tennis all of

which reflected his passion for this genre of photography.

What made Bob’s talk extra special were his anecdotes relating to either

details about, the sports person featured or the situation on the ground

on the day or both.

Additionally, he gave tips on post processing: how to deal with noise

associated with high isos, useful features of Nik software, the camera

settings, composition, personal positioning, timing and angle of view and

much more.

We learnt “it is not as easy as it looks”, “If you can see it in your

viewfinder you’ve missed it”, the importance of capturing facial

expressions and the importance of being nice to the people you meet.

Images: Lineout Mayhem, Third Change, All Hands, Aussie Rules


Bob Given - Line Out Mayhem

Bob Given - Aussie Rules Cruciform

Bob Given - Third Change

Bob Given - All Hands