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Estate Buildings

Designed by William Henry Crossland and completed in 1874 this fine gothic revival building brought the Ramsden Estate’s office into the town centre. The building between Railway Street and Station Street includes a number of separate blocks. The Westgate buildings section is not part of the refurbishment project. Huddersfield Corporation purchased the whole property from the Ramsden Estate in 1921 along with many other town centre buildings in a move often referred to as ‘the town which bought itself’.

Multiple occupancy over the last 150 years has resulted in a wide range of offices and workshops now in various states of repair. The first images show the unrestored exterior. These are followed by a series of images of the interior with particular emphasis on the fine décor of the Ramsden’s office. Then the sequence continues with work to the roof, external stone work and gutters and installation of new windows. The last photos were taken from high up as the protective covering is removed exposing the restored exterior.  The complex of buildings will be redeveloped internally for residential use in due course.

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