Our erstwhile Programme Secretary, Sue Gibson, had set us a locally-focused
challenge to photograph Huddersfield's equivalent of Pentonville Road and
Mayfair. Our members came back with 21 A4 prints picturing local buildings
and features. Inevitably there were many railway stations and Castle Hills
on show and members present were asked to vote for their first three prints.
Shown here are the three winning prints lined up on the easel.
Left to Right - Richard Fulcher's monopoly style creative take on
Huddersfield Railway Station and Harold Wilson statue (2nd place); Paul
Campbell's observant view of Huddersfield University Central Services
Building framed by the legs of the Creative Arts Building (1st Place);
Sheelagh Davidson's beautiful mono print of Lindley Clock Tower (3rd place).
Well done to the Paul, Richard and Sheelagh and thanks to those who gave the
critiques before the results were announced: George Fewster and Richard