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The latest news from our recent club evenings and events or any other items of interest.

What a night! Bob Given truly entertained club members last night as he

presented his talk on Sports Photography. He showed us some dramatic

images from a wide variety of sports from rugby to table tennis all of

which reflected his passion for this genre of photography.

What made Bob’s talk extra special were his anecdotes relating to either

details about, the sports person featured or the situation on the ground

on the day or both.

Additionally, he gave tips on post processing: how to deal with noise

associated with high isos, useful features of Nik software, the camera

settings, composition, personal positioning, timing and angle of view and

much more.

We learnt “it is not as easy as it looks”, “If you can see it in your

viewfinder you’ve missed it”, the importance of capturing facial

expressions and the importance of being nice to the people you meet.

Images: Lineout Mayhem, Third Change, All Hands, Aussie Rules


Bob Given - Line Out Mayhem

Bob Given - Aussie Rules Cruciform

Bob Given - Third Change

Bob Given - All Hands

Another successful evening where we had just 4 members sharing their work this time. This evening was a mixture of new and existing members.

Harry Wentworth

Harry is fairly new to the club and a very experienced photographer. Harry began with his background to starting in photography sharing a camera with his brother in on holiday and gave us a fascinating history.

Harry’s journey started with his first love of landscapes covering the Cumbrian lakes, Yorkshire Dales and then getting into creating composite images, he wanted figures in his landscapes. This led him onto a 5-year journey with an on-line camera club where he gained several photographic accreditations. He then went onto develop his love of portraiture.

Harry shared with us his story and images for his ARPS which he had recently been awarded from the Royal Photographic Society. The images portrayed fashion throughout the ages, but focused on the use of lighting and shadow creating Harry’s unique style.

Jon Harris

Jon has been a member of the club for over 10 years and recently took a break. Like so many others Jon’s photographic journey started when he was given a Kodak instamatic camera as a child.

Jon shared his favourite images of being in the club of starting with landscapes, it soon became apparent to Jon that he like symmetry in his images and this led him looking at how light and shapes balance the image. Jon is now drawn more and more to symmetry with shape and form influencing him the most.

Jon does love colour popping and this proved a couple of laughs and his image of Howarth in black and white which does definitely need a red post box, regardless of what judges might think!

His other love is wedding photography and again from his images light, shape and form play a part. Jon also likes creating composite images and can spend a few hours with letting his imagination run wild.

Tony Pratt

Tony has been a member for a few years and his photographic journey started with analogue photography using slides, showing images starting with a family outing, to his love of horses whilst working with his grandfather.

Tony showed a selection of images covering several genres from point to point, Branham Horse trials, landscape, portrait, sport, nature and ICM (Intentional Camera Movement).

His horse images are stunning, portraying power, form, shape and movement with the feeling that you could almost touch the silks. Tony likes working on projects and shared some images from these, which included the working man, famous faces, sporting images, sharing his love of his favourite football team and during lockdown working on catching nature images from his hide in his garden.

Andrew Greenbank

Andrew has been with the club for the last 2-3 years and it was during this period that his chosen ten images were from, covering several genres of nature, landscapes, derelict buildings. Andrew is usually accompanied by his Italian Truffle hunting dog which goes everywhere with him.

Andrew explained what had drawn him to a particular image, whether it be the moody lighting, the composition of a landscape, people on a beach that was like a Jack Vettriano painting or chasing a Wren in the wild and realised that the wren was after his dog!

Andrew then had gone on to experiment with Infra-red photography creating dreamy, moody images with landscapes and flowers.

All in all, another excellent evening of members showing their work.

Sue Gibson

‘My photographic journey’ is a story frequently told these days. If his presentation is anything to go on, Lee Sutton’s journey has the characteristics of both an express and a roller-coaster. Seeking a change from a job as a night club bouncer, Lee turned to photography as recently as 2012. Starting from scratch with a second-hand Canon with kit lens he soon joined Preston Photographic Society to learn from ‘the best photographers’ as he put it. He was clearly a man on a mission. Lee presented examples of his early images warts and all. He clearly aimed from the start to tackle a wide range of genres showing us landscapes (despite not liking walking far from the car), portraiture, sport action, still life, street and creative.

He is now a member of Chorley Photographic Society and many of the people he quoted as influences are well-known in photo club circles. He credited a number of well-known photographic models and shared tips about his own capture and editing methods. I’m sure members were impressed with the breadth of his work and the standards he has achieved in a short space of time. Lee’s list of photo accreditations included some which were new to me; I did not know there was a Global Photographic Union, as well as a prolific haul of awards and medals.

These and other images show here the variety of his subjects taken from screenshots of the evening’s presentation. Thanks Lee for entertaining us so well.

Lee Sutton - Hedgehog

Lee Sutton - medals and awards

Lee Sutton - Lego

Lee Sutton - first gold medals

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